Morgan Jackson started playing golf at the age of 11, but by 16 he was playing for Warwickshire County Golf and Warwickshire County Cricket. He had to decide on career path and dedicate his efforts to one sport. Morgan chose golf which he found more enjoyable. In truth he found the process of team selection for Cricket too stressful. Morgan was born and raised locally attending, Stratford upon Avon High School, and Henley College to study Sports & Science, he went on to a PGA degree in conduction with Belfry Golf and Birmingham University. Morgan turned pro golfer at the age of 22.
For a couple of years we supported Morgan’s career and made sure his sight was looked after, which is very important for anyone but especially a professional sports person.
Morgan offers high level Golf Coaching at The Welcombe Golf Club or Warwickshire Golf Indoor Simulator; you can follow him on social media @mjacksongolf